So Extraordinary

SOHO@Podomoro City e-newsletter, E-nsider, is here to greet the customers of SOHO@Podomoro City and the loyal customers of Agung Podomoro Land (APL).

In this second edition, we would like to inform you about the latest progress of SOHO@Podomoro City development, along with our past events documentation, our future quarterly-event plan and a special offer only for you.

SOHO@Podomoro City, A Place with An Extraordinary Space

Veri Y. Setiadi
Executive Director

So Happening

Be Healty LOVE Your Body
Customer Gathering Event

Minggu, 13 April 2014 Bertemakan ‘Be HEALTHY & LOVE Your Body’, acara CUSTOMER GATHERING SOHO@Podomoro City dibuka dengan kata sambutan dari Ibu Herlina Tamblin (GM Sales & Marketing) & diikuti oleh Talk Show “Penyakit Ginjal, Komplikasi, dan Penanganannya oleh dr. Andra Aswar, SpPD dari Rumah Sakit Royal Taruma. Menu hidangan serba vegetarian dan pemeriksaan gula darah & body mass index pun turut menghias acara. Pengundian doorprize dengan banyak hadiah menarik (smartphone, microwave, coffee maker, etc) diakhir acara, membuat suasana semakin meriah.


Both pameran SoHo Pancoran di Emporium Pluit Mall, 24 – 30 Maret 2014.

So Far So Good

Saat ini, sedang dilaksanakan proses pengecoran untuk lantai Ground Floor, sementara untuk lantai LGM sudah selesai dikerjakan. 3 Tower Crane sudah berdiri dan mulai beroperasi.

So Interesting


The Exhibition

28 April – 4 May 2014 @ Grand Indonesia, West Mall – Lobby Amarta
10 – 18 May 2014 Pameran Bersama APL, @ JCC Senayan

Visit our marketing gallery
@ Central Park, Tribeca – UG Floor Open daily, 10 AM – 10 PM

So Proud

Wind Tunnel Test : Windtech Consultant Pte Ltd (Australia)
Konsultan Arsitektur (lokal) : PT Anggara Architeam
Konsultan Struktur : PT Gistama Intisemesta
Konsultan MEP : PT Meco Systech Internusa